Sunday, July 7, 2019


I know you have been waiting to actually see some cool stuff & I appreciate your patience - I have no excuses except to say I've been really dicking around recently and sitting still to write these has been tough with all the lounging I've been doing.

This isn't a diary, you're here for the pics, and as much as I want to make this like my middle school xanga (does it still exist on the internet??? I feel like someone just walked over my grave... I hope I scrubbed it...). I'm going to try to overshare slightly less since I've had like 600 views. I'm feeling POPULAR, guys.

As a recap this is what the exterior looks like:

We really want to really ramp up the mid-century aesthetic while also being hip and cool (like me, duh). My bff Sara went with me to Vibrant after we bought the house and it got me really inspired. For those of you who are not local or who have not been to Vibrant because their menu is not appealing for you, here's some stuff I lifted off Yelp because I felt weird taking photos:

I love the cream with that kind of soft terracotta color and interesting awning that has kind of a diner-esque vibe. Also if you are on the fence about Vibrant let me just tell you they have a rosemary something soda that is incredible and you should try it. SORRY I CAN'T BE MORE SPECIFIC I'M REALLY BUSY LOUNGING.

Here's a view of the front door and side patio - I love all these weird elements together. A little contemporary and a little mid century and totally bright and happy. My friend (and employer) Allie told me it's Australian design and boy am I IN to that (if you are too, here are some links for you to drool to your heart's content - 1. TRIAS  2. EXPAT (not quite Australian) 3. Local Project 4. AIDA)

On an unrelated note, Vibrant is also home to my favorite piece of art, which is my favorite because it looks like butts:

With that as my inspiration, I tried to deconstruct what I really loved about it and attempted to find those elements in the context of a residential home (aside from the butts).

First I looked for painted brick facades with that mid century feel - something to back up what I already felt in my heart... that that pink brick was not doing anything for anyone.

The white with the warm wood is not breaking my heart a bit.

One of the biggest things that bugs me about the elevation are the front windows because they're not evenly spaced on their own masses - there's absolutely no reason for that aside from the aesthetic preferences of a goober at some point in the past that has long been ejected from this final product.

This was the closest I came to liking windows that weren't just single lites -

This doesn't even qualify for the situation we've got, so I'm back to the drawing board. The windows are from 1965 anyway, I really doubt they've been replaced in all that time because they look identical to the ones that were on Sara Rose. Good on the original builder for waterproofing some windows that have lasted a billion years but their time here is coming to and end and we're going to need to put in something that saves a little AC.

So after fiddling with it a little while and considering what an HOA would let me do, this is where I landed:

I want to even out the windows on the left mass to give it some continuity with the right mass. I'm also going to replace the front door with a window (part of the new layout - stay tuned for that!)

Originally I wanted black windows - I don't mind the contrast but GOD they are expensive. I didn't even price out these weird bump out cubes on the right because let's be real. I'm still polling some options but I think the profile isn't as slim as the ones I like anyway (I don't want a ton of black, just a touch) so I'm thinking maybe they'll be ok in white? I like the ones on Vibrant (which I think are technically silver) and the white modern farmhouse above didn't do contrast windows and I like that really clean look.

Before you ask - the ceiling in that room comes down to 8ft to accommodate the upgrades they did with AC & electrical in 1985 so I can't do the classic window point  -

We are making due, but even though we've had a few setbacks in my Ultimate Dreams department I still think it's going to be a pretty sheila.

I also liked the kind of creamy color instead of your traditional stark white. Just trying to eke a little closer to my ultimate goal of living on the set of A Single Man and letting Tom Ford run my wardrobe.

What do you guys think?
In keeping with the inspo I really loved the stained wood element and while I definitely do not have a pocket full of gold to wrap the house in it, I think that front gable to could stand to be accented. Then it got me to thinking about the crooked as shit column on the front of the house:

what happened here????

So obviously we have to replace that column but I want to do something interesting and also try to ensure this isn't going to happen again. I'm thinking I'll move the front door and replace that door with a skinny window like the ones on the right mass -

Current front door will match these guys, front door will move to be perpendicular to the street.

Then I want to wrap that same cool element we want to do on the gable around the front door and that side elevation where I have a ton of awesome honeysuckle growing:

That way the stained wood hits on more than just one area. I think it's going to be beautiful and make the front door a little more private so you're not constantly staring at the neighbor's yard. Really, you should be allowed to be naked in your living room without making eye contact with your neighbors.

Also look at this good boy:

I hope he likes the new stained wood deal and wraps himself all up in it

I really want to do cool gravel and poufy bush landscaping because I think it would be so cool but... this landscaping is gorgeous. These guys really loved this house and took care of it. If I have some pennies at the end, we'll see!

Almost forgot the most important part!! I want to bring back in the terracotta I originally liked - these semi-pink saltillo tiles for the covered entry. 


Throw in a simple lantern?

Those two little finishing touches have got me feeling myself. Still not sure what to do about a mailbox or house numbers but it'll come to me. Any ideas?

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