Monday, July 22, 2019

Demo Day

I would like to interrupt with photos of DEMO DAY - a day that both thrills and stresses me in a big way.

But before I show you disarray, let me first show you my new sky light -

Borne of this mess -

faire smashy smash, oui?

The good news is that damn fireplace is gone. The bad news is... it's gonna fucking rain.

Right now this is roof situation:

A BIG HOLE (also - regard my dumpster, it is FULL)

Other fun things of note:

This is a big pipe in the way of my dreams!

 Goodbye tub

I genuinely love the wallpaper we found behind the mirror in the master. SO COOL!

Goodbye annoying separation 


 Goodbye hot water heater... (how great is my sky light tho...)

 Pipe of nightmares

 CIAO scary carpet

 Goodbye master closet! (Side note: playing with spray paint is my new hobby)

A big pile of trash! True story: mom and I thought we could help and haul all this shit into the dumpster. 4 hours later, the pile was IDENTICAL but we sang some cute jams running around "finding tools."

Don't worry, though, she cleans up real nice:

that wallpaperrrrrrrr


And a moment of zen:

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